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  • Contact

the Story behind..

(A quick and short story)

"Once upon a time...."

... it is known that all fairy tales begin like this, but this is not a fairy tale. It's a real story.

Once upon a time
there was once a person, at a more advanced age, with a backpack fully filled of experiences from a good life, success, enjoyment, pleasure, entertainment and many things which belonged to a very good, fulfilled life.
Now this person was suddenly looking for another way of life, with more content, more peace, more balance and 'beauty'. The path was by no means straight and smooth, rather with many corners, curves and stones. However, this did not prevent him from hitting the path to go forward and not looking back.
A life for the future, not for the past.
Tread slower, look exactly where you step, go straight ahead.
The end of this path is visible as the end of a tunnel where the light shines again.

kindly, your Downtowner

Get To Know Us

The Downtowners are based on a wealth of experience, international, global, in:

  • Economic bodies
  • Financial institutions
  • Cultural societies, media entertainment companies, Hightech
  • The network of relationships is broad, global and intact.
  • What character traits should a Downtowner have:
  • Cosmopolitan
  • Open to new
  • Pioneering spirit
  • Honest, straight uncomplicated (pragmatically)
  • Culinary and personally not a low flyer
  • The DownTowners is a NON PROFIT ORIENTED institution based and located in Küsnacht and is owned by the Downtowner.

    The programs

    the Club of Clubs ...

    ...is a place where like-minded people meet, share, relax and enjoy the common. The members can benefit from a very large fund of the wide experience of the Downtowners.
    Experiences from Business, Finance, Culture, Sports, Entertainment are wide and very profound.
    The club is a variety and an enrichment of everyday life, relaxation.
    A moderate annual cost contribution is levied. The application for membership must be made in writing.
    We would be happy to send you the relevant documents information.

    the SHAPE UP Program

    Find the way adapt your lifestyle to the new circumstances. To keep the health stable or to regain it, this is our common endeavor. Find your peace, your peace of mind and exuberance.

    the Nutrition Program ..

    .. has been launched end of 2017 in Los Angeles, the field of action will include San Franzisco by autumn 2018. By the way, this with great success.

    the DownTowner himselfe

    Swiss citizens, multilingual, eloquent, worldly and open to new things, with humor. Loves the good, the pleasant environment and friends. Lived many decades here at the lake of Zurich.
